


│Clan theme

rocky stealth lizards fish moles baders snakes cave collapse flood

Quiet Voices, Loud Hearts

Hidden in the cracks and crevices of a rock-covered plain next to BrightClan and StormClan, reside the cats of Echoclan. Dark-furred and stealthy, they creep through the tunnels and caves like shadows, leaving no trace.

Appearance Description

Body Build

Fur type

Short and sleek, in dark colors.


Stealth, Camoflage, Small Spaces


Cave collapse, Snake bite, Flood


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EchoClan territory is between the open fields of BrightClan on one side and the lush StomClan camp on the other. Their path to the Great Gathering Stone is moderately difficult with a lot of rubble and large boulders to climb over. They are second closest to the Moon Field, making that an easier journey than for some others.


The clan leader makes announcements and performs clan ceremonies from a ledge partway up the main cave’s wall. Below the ledge is the leader’s den, a cozy space just big enough for them, their mate, and a trusted confidant or two. Close to the entrance of the Main cave and protecting the Elder’s den lies the Warrior's den, separated by a row of stalagmites. Across from that is the Apprentice’s den.


The medicine den is in a separate cave, hidden behind leafy vines. Wet moss clings to the walls of the smooth, eroded hollow, and herbs are kept dry between pieces of bark. Beside the medicine den is the nursery. Its walls are layered with grass and dried mud.


Apprentices train in the Sandy area outside of camp, protected by a trio of large boulders.


The sun warms the tops of the stones, making it a nice place to sunbathe and keeping it warm a few hours into the night as well. There is plenty of shade to be found under rocks or in caves. The caves themselves can get quite cool, some even dripping with moisture or with underground streams traveling through.


They prey on pale-skinned lizards, tiny mice, fish from underground streams, and the occasional mole.


Their territory is not without danger; badgers, snakes, sharp rocks, invisible streams hidden by darkness, floods, and cave collapses are a normal part of life.


Four littermates were born in a crumbling overgrown twoleg nest during dreadful weather. Their names were Bright, Echo, Storm, and Frost. The four grew up together hearing stories from Heart, their mother, about the strong clans that used to be around. The world was full of them, once. They had been forced to split up into smaller and smaller groups as territories turned to twoleg places. After a series of large disasters, there was now less of the twolegs wandering into nature and tearing up forests. It was time for cats to band together and provide safety and family like they used to. Such arrangements were needed now more than ever in the wake of such tumultous events.

When their mother passed, Bright, Echo, Storm, and Frost decided to make her dreams reality and form a clan. In the traditional style of clan cats, they added second names to their own, each taking the suffix "Heart" After their mother.

Echoheart was a very quiet tom who preferred to think before speaking. He saved his littermates many times with his cleverness and insight as they traveled and found more cats together. HeartClan was doing well, but they were beginning to get tired of travel and some of the cats, especially the expecting queens (Echoheart's mate amongst them), wished for a place to settle and rest permanently.

Echoheart, his mate, and a handful of others decided to end their journey in the rock-laden and cave-filled field that today makes up EchoClan territory. He decided it was an excellent location with enough prey, water, sunlight, and shade to be satisfied. The rest of the large group that made up HeartClan regretfully said their farewells and agreed to find their own territories in the area, not wanting to live in the dark caves.

Before they left, Echoheart proposed that the siblings arrange to meet up every full moon at an especially large boulder, so they could catch up on news and see how each group was doing. The rest eagerly agreed, and that was the beginning of the regular clan gatherings, the number of cats attending increasing each year from just the siblings, to them and their families, to a large portion of each clan wanting to socialize with the others.


Prefix is usually named after appearance, weather, or plants and animals in the area (Dapple-, Small-, Rain-, Lichen-, Lizard-, etc).

Suffix often comes from personality, appearance, skills, or sounds (-sweet, -fur, -hunt, -whisper).




Standard StarClan/DarkForest


Echoheart, the first clan leader, has had many great tales told about him... Most of them major exaggerations that came about over the years of retellings.




Behavior Towards...


Clanmates are treated with respect. The names of EchoClan cats who do extraordinary things are frequently reused due to good association. Cats who do terrible things are exiled from the clan, their names are typically not reused due to bad reputation.


Kittypets are swiftly escorted to the closest edge of the territory. They have three warnings before the patrol gets orders to attack on sight.


Loners are informed of the territory lines and escorted to the edge. If they return more than three times, they are told to either join the clan or not return to the territory. If they refuse to join but keep coming back anyway, the patrols will be ordered to attack on sight.


Rogues are given three warnings. If they don't stay away after, they will be attacked on sight.

StarClan is treated with respect and reverence. The medicine cat and medicine cat apprentice are equally treated with respect, but not revered.

EchoClan has had a few border skirmishes with BrightClan in the past, but rarely. EchoClan dislikes the image of living in the open instead of the cover of caves, and does not know how BrightClan can stand it. They also don't like how "uppity" BrightClan can get about their supposed stronger connection to StarClan.

FrostClan is very far from EchoClan and they do not interact often aside from gatherings.

The Red-Sands Tribe is fairly far away, they do not interact often aside from gatherings.

When herbs are scarce, StormClan provides what they can spare. In the rare event of a cave or tunnel collapse, EchoClan has once or twice asked for StormClan assistance and it was given to them. EchoClan appreciates having the option but tends to be put off by the eagerness and friendliness of StormClan, and finds it suspicious. However, if StormClan has an issue, they will help to pay off what StormClan has done for them.